PM Abiy Stresses Need for African Solutions to Multifaceted Challenges of Continent

The global politics in the post cold war era is shifting towards the formation of tri-polar political nodal points exhibiting alternative socio-political and economic formations that could determine the future of global diplomacy and international relation.

The formation of BRICS constitute a political and economic grouping of countries including Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa undergoing rapid economic development, making up almost half of the world’s population as a viable alternative to the unipolar political hegemony being exercised by the US and her EU allies.

For instance The ASEAN Declaration states that the aims and purposes of the Association are: (1) to accelerate economic growth, social progress and cultural development in the region and (2) to promote regional peace and stability through abiding respect for justice and the rule of law in the relationship among countries in the region.

Given the formation of such economic entities, African countries should not waste time to show their economic development by coming up with a visible economic and social hub that can promote the sustainable development of the countries in the continent.

In the context of such developments, Africa cannot afford to be an indifferent spectator. The continent has two basic choices either to remain as an appendage of western political and neo-colonial system by remaining in the vicious circle of capitalist peripheral economy or to form its own integrated socio-political order in the spirit of Pan –Africanism and Agenda 2063. This is indeed critical for Africa which has always remained a raw material sources for European and US industries with no meaningful socio-economic development worthy of the name.

In the congratulatory messages that African leaders have voiced during their presence on the inauguration ceremony of Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed, they focused on three major issues ranging from the role Ethiopia is playing and has to play in the roll out of African socio-economic development, the imperatives of promoting African economic integration and resolution of impending conflicts in Africa in the African way.

The leaders addressed Ethiopia as a “ mother of Africa” in view of the fact that Ethiopia have helped to give birth to the former OAU and its current role as a decisive and active member of the AU. Ethiopia is a peacekeeping force and a pioneer in working towards African economic integration by striving towards becoming a powerhouse for the development of Africa’s manufacturing sector by providing a renewable and cheaper hydropower for East Africa.

The country has already embarked on networking Africa through the Ethiopian Airlines group and has gone far in promoting railway lines and perennial road transport among East African countries. The leaders who attended the inauguration ceremony of Prime Minister Abiy stressed that they “are looking up to Ethiopia to develop the country’s economic development and that of Addis Ababa and Africa.”

Addressing the mammoth gathering at Meskel Square, H.E President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo, focused on the basic objectives of the Federal Republic of Somalia and noted “there has never been such a need for visionary leadership. Ethiopia and Somalia are interconnected. We have an objective and ambition for further integration.”

Also speaking on the occasion was H.E President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Mr. Mohammedu Buhari stressed on the role that Ethiopia can play in promoting the economic potential of his country and Africa and said who “Mr. Abiy, Nigeria is a country that looks upon you to unleash the great economic potential of your country and Africa.”

In this competitive world, Africans are expected to compete effectively by deploying their resources and human power to engage in free and sustainable economic development. Already Africa is marred with ethnic based conflicts, terrorism and natural and manmade calamities that have resulted in the displacement of millions of Africans.

Therefore, Africa’s political independence is meaningless unless it is buttressed with free, fair and equitable economic development from which the African population can benefit.

Almost all African countries are endowed with natural resources that can be jointly developed by African countries. Africa has a water tower in Ethiopia, minerals in South Africa, DR Congo, Zambia and others, ports for African maritime trade and a number of resources if adequately used can promote free and independent economic development for Africa.

The inauguration of a new government and cabinet in Ethiopia did not emerge out of the blue nor was it just a normal transfer of power in the country. Some western powers and the US gave themselves the right to interfere into the internal affairs of the country pausing as human rights champions and the custodians of global democracy while in practice for two decades they were clandestinely violating human rights in Afghanistan.

They openly allied with terrorist TPLF who is out to destroy the country through their media companies and their protagonists in the UN systems who were playing politics in the name of providing relief aid for Tigray. They tried to disrupt the 6th National Election in alliance with local forces who were calling for a “transitional government” but Ethiopia once again emerged victorious.

What has happened in Ethiopia over the last three years of reform sets an example for the rest of Africa and the testimonials of the African leaders show that Africa needs to opt for its own continental alternatives instead of following the western pattern of economic development which is based on exploitative neo-colonial objectives.

The leaders of Africa confirmed that Africa needs to come up with its own integrated economic system instead of falling victim to the aid based “development”. Africa, according to the leaders is at the cross roads of choosing the viable alternatives that are geared towards addressing the basic socio-economic challenges the continent is facing.

The recently 29 countries headed by China petitioned the UN with a statement requesting for the curtailment of unilateral sanction within the member countries. Out of this 12 were from Africa indicating that Africans have started to realize the implications of their unity on all international forums and this could indeed be replicated to their united action in fighting off unilateralism and hegemony of actions against less developed countries.

African countries have similar challenges and can resolve these challenges through their united efforts in charting our ways and means as well as applicable strategies for their economic development. They can fight against abject poverty, terrorism, escalation of foreign debt, climate change various pandemics like COVID-19 only if they are engaged in collective efforts at all levels including on all global forums like the UN, COP and UNFCCC and others.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed affirmed at the inaugural ceremony that Ethiopia is committed to work hard to enhance the capacity of the continent in collaboration with the rest of African Countries.

“We Ethiopians firmly believe that we need to strengthen our capacity to produce African solutions to the many natural and manmade challenges we face as a continent. We will work harder than before to carry out our responsibility under the principle of “African solutions to African problems” to create a united, peaceful, and prosperous Africa that protects our continental interests in world stages.”

Africans have more that unites than dived them Abiy said adding that “if we create synergy by pooling together our individual strengths, the challenges we face will pale in comparison to our collective resources.

Ethiopia has already developed a 10 years home grown national economic plan that could all value to the future development of African continental planning process to develop African economies.

It is believed that the attendance of African countries on the recent inauguration ceremony of the premiership of Prime Minister Abiy was not just an ordinary presence on such ceremonies but has also provided an opportunity for the leaders to discuss on various issues related to African socio-economic development. The informal discussions among the leaders have shown their political will to promote African economic integration and political cohesion to provide a better life for Africans.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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