Green economy boom favours you STEM graduates

by TINTSWALO BALOYI JOHANNESBURG, (CAJ News) YOUNG graduates in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields are poised to benefit from the shift towards a more sustainable economy and greener energy, which is catalysing a new jobs boom.Monica Luwes, Manager of the Graduate Centre at Sasol, said the sustainability boom is creating a range of compelling opportunities mostly for graduates that focus on chemistry or engineering in their studies.

Those that embrace the challenge will blaze trails as the world moves towards cleaner energy and more sustainable business,” she said.Luwes said young STEM graduates had the unique opportunity to help address environmental challenges and promote a just transition to a low-carbon, resource-efficient and socially inclusive society.

“With South Africa making a commitment to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050, there will be plenty of rewarding work for them to do,” she added.The International Labour Organization (ILO) estimates that 700 000 new jobs were created across the world in renewable energy in 2021.In that same year, worldwide employment in renewable energy reached 12,7 million.

Luwes stated that green jobs are diverse, creating opportunities that cut across nearly every discipline, role and field.Engineers, researchers and technicians will be needed in sectors such as renewable energy (solar, wind, geothermal), energy efficiency, green construction, and environmental consulting.

Others will help retrofit existing infrastructure and industries to make them more sustainable.Other important roles are emerging in areas such as sustainable finance and investment as well as regulation, policy and advocacy.

The green economy will also require professionals with cross-cutting skills such as project management, data science and communications.”Lifelong learning and continuous upskilling will be crucial to stay relevant in this job market,” said Luwes.

lobal chemicals and energy company, Sasol, has an ambition of achieving net zero by 2050.It is accelerating decarbonisation and investing in innovative technologies such as green hydrogen.

Source: CAJ News Agency

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