Council of Ministers Approves Draft Regulations, Refers Proclamations to HPR

Addis Ababa (ENA) January 14/2023 The council of ministers approved various regulations and referred proclamations to the House of Peoples’ Representatives (HPR), during its 16th regular session today, according to Office of the Prime Minister.

The Council first discussed on the loan agreement worth 107,174,255 million USD with the International Development Association for the implementation of the second phase of the Sustainable Land Management Project.

The loan supports the government’s efforts to build Climate Resilient Green Economy that is resilient to climate change and improve the income and lifestyle of farmers by increasing land productivity. The council unanimously decided and referred the agreement to the HPR assuring that it is in line with the country’s credit policy.

Secondly, the council discussed a draft bill to amend the Excise Tax Act. The Excise Tax Proclamation, which has been in effect since February 2020; and it has been found appropriate to adjust the tax rate imposed on some products. Amendments to the Proclamation have been prepared and presented to the council, which unanimously decided and referred it to the House of People’s Representatives for approval.

The third issue the council discussed is the proposed regulation to establish the Armauer Hansen Research Institute, outlining, among others, its duties and responsibilities, to expand its research environment in other health research activities, enhancing coordination, reduces and promoting efficiency. The council discussed the draft regulation extensively and approved it unanimously to become effective as of its date of publication on Negarit Gazette.

Fourthly, the Council discussed the proposed draft regulation to establish the Ethiopian Blood and Tissue Bank. For expanding the services previously provided by the National Blood Bank, domestic production of blood products, reagents and blood water, as well as supporting tissue transplant medical services, coordinating tissue donors and related activities, a draft regulation has been prepared and submitted to the council. The council discussed the draft regulation extensively and approved it to become effective as of its date of publication on Negarit Gazette.

Fifthly, the council discussed the proposed regulation to establish the Ethiopian Institute of Public Health. Establishing an effective system for predicting, preventing and responding to public health risks is necessary to enable the country’s health laboratory sector to provide quality services for public health care, treatment and food system research. The council discussed the draft regulation extensively and approved it unanimously to become effective as of its date of publication on Negarit Gazette.

Sixthly, the council discussed the proposed draft regulation to determine the organization, powers and functions of the Ethiopian Food and Drug Authority. A draft regulation has been prepared for the authority to ensure and enforce compliance with international standards and take appropriate action when illegal activities are committed. The council approved it unanimously that it should be put into effect from the day it is published on the Negarit Gazette.

Finally, the council discussed two bilateral agreements signed with the Republic of Turkiye and the United Arab Emirates on the extradition of individuals wanted for crimes and legal cooperation in criminal matters. After a thorough discussion, the council unanimously decided and referred the proposed agreements to the HPR for approval.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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