AU Chair Urges for Resisting All Forms of Instrumentalisation among States, Sharing Strong Conviction

The African Union Commission (AUC) Chairperson Moussa Faki Mahamat has called for resisting all forms of Instrumentalisation among all member states and share a strong conviction to see a united African continent.

The 60th Anniversary celebration of OAU-AU is being observed at the headquarter of the African Union in Addis Ababa under the theme “Our Africa, Our Future.”

In his keynote address to the celebration, Chairperson of the AUC said that the African Union is observing its 60th Anniversary while many of its states are in crisis.

Those African states are prey to deadly internal conflicts, fueled by the unbridled quest for supreme power, with the corollary of significant loss of human life, the chairperson indicated.

“Beyond their political and social fragmentation, the significant elements of their natural heritage are destroyed, sometimes bloody pain when this tragic picture is compounded by other negative factors such as democratic declines, unconstitutional changes of government, violent extremists, uncontrolled spread and, the harmful effects of climate change among the reasons.”

Therefore, he believed that there are good reasons to pledge to celebrate the 60th anniversary that would help to build the Africa we want in the light of mediation in solidarity with our brothers and sisters.

There is indeed a need for reflection to courageously identify the root causes, he noted.

Mentioning the success of the OAU in its independence struggle and victory against apartheid, Mahamat spoke on the shadows of the continent which has been still facing.

“Despite the difficulties of all kinds, Africa remains characterized by its great capacity for resilience. It was able despite the alarmist forecasts at the time to hold firm in the face of the onset of COVID-19 pandemic,” he pointed out.

Nevertheless, better still exceeds the opportunity of COVID-19 mess for June 2023 to rethink its health strategy, in a concerted action by the heads of state and government of Africa, the chairperson noted.

He added that Africa is also witnessing significant economic progress and growing international role.

However, he stated that the classic factors of fragility, excruciating debt servicing, the fall in the price of raw materials have been added to the consequences of intensification of the hegemonic struggle between the big powers.

In this international context of confrontation of geopolitical interests, the renewal of each side threatens to transform Africa into a new strategic battleground, thereby recreating a new version of the Cold War, the chairperson underscored.

“That is very detrimental to the effectiveness of multilateralism on which global peace and security depends. This zero sum game where the gains of others would translate into losses for Africa.”

Therefore, Mahamat has called on the African countries to stand together in order to thwart any unwarranted pressure.

“We must resist all forms of instrumentalisation among the states taken individually and collectively by sharing the strong conviction that our future remains and will depend on the patient and muscle building of our unity.”

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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