AAU College of Humanities Inaugurates ICT Infrastructure Development

Addis Ababa University (AAU) College of Humanities, Language Studies, Journalism and Communication organized an inaugural program to its newly built ICT infrastructure at OCR Building of the University on Thursday, 23rd of June 2022.

Amanuel Alemayehu (PhD), Dean of the College, on his opening remarks stated that the ICT world is changing and education needs this technology to cope with the international level of information transfer/sharing, which is very essential to students as well as the staff for the enhancement of the learning and teaching processes.

Dr. Amanuel briefed the audience that the College is organized in 5 departments and 1 school running 15 BA, 12 MA and 10 PhD programs currently serving 3,459 students. It operates with 272 staff (144 Academic and 128 Administrative), he added.

He announced that the newly built infrastructure is well equipped and installed with ICT lines which covers 5 smart class rooms, 1 phonetic laboratory, 1 training center and 1 PhD candidates’ laboratory.

Derib Addo (PhD), the project designer, introduced the infrastructure’s technology development and its quality regarding phonetic laboratory and the use of phonetic clinic by demonstrating the instruments in the laboratory.

Mathewos Ensermu (PhD), Vice President for Administrative and Students Affairs of AAU, in his closing remarks stated that the engagement and the commitment of the College to develop ICT infrastructure at this level it is a very good beginning.

“I hope this experience will be broaden to the other parts of the University, i.e. colleges, schools and institutes. They will take the lesson to enhance their ICT infrastructures for better teaching and learning activities,” the VP added.

The College recognized all bodies who engaged in the development of the ICT infrastructure on the occasion where higher executive bodies of AAU, College deans and Directors attended.


Source: Addis Ababa University

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